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online friends
2001-12-31 @ 1:22 a.m.

This could be a weird entry...not sure yet.

I've been online for a long time, even when hardly anyone was on the internet, my dad (computer genius that he is) had AOL in like 1989. I wasn't that interested in the internet then, it was pretty boring and SLOW, but I had an email address and stuff.

Until a few years ago, I used computers at my work for anything I needed them for, and didn't have a computer at home. I would go online when I was at my parents' house for anything I needed to look up, and to check my email. (I go to my parents' house a few times a week, so it was no big deal to use theirs, plus I had email at work, so I hardly used the AOL email address.) But, being at work, I hardly looked around online.

I got myself a computer a few years ago, and started playing around online more. One night, I looked for information on eating disorders, because I was still totally caught up in bulimia then, and found this great site ( with a great chat (that part isn't so great anymore), and I was just blown away...all of these people, just like me. Sane, smart women, doing silly shit to themselves.

I met a lot of people there, and eventually became very close to two of them.

Mona, who is 36 or so, and is an overachiever. So intelligent and ambitious, and SO insecure. She wants a family more than anything, and is ABSOLUTELY convinced that no man will or SHOULD ever love her. She is an overeater, but honestly not fat by average standards, she is probably overweight, but in no way anything you would even notice...pretty, with blonde hair and grey eyes. She has a great career, has made tons of money...but she hates herself like very few people I've ever known. She is an awesome friend, true to a fault. She and I were very close for about a year or so. I'm not exactly sure why we grew apart. I think part of it may have been that I started getting past my eating disorder. I miss her, although we still talk sometimes. It's not the same. We used to joke that we shared a brain, because we would type the exact same thing at the same time ALL of the time.

Sue is the other friend I made there. She, too, is smart as hell, and funny. She's also a bit of an overachiever. She is anorexic, and quite a bit too thin, but, again, nothing you'd stare at. She's hurting her heart, mostly, because she abuses diet pills. You'd never know it, to see her. She's a great mom to her two kids, and is close to getting her black belt in karate. She and her husband are always close to splitting up, a lot of which is because he doesn't understand her eating disorder. I don't think he's a great guy, but I don't think he's a bad guy, either. This eating disorder shit is hard for anyone to understand who hasn't been there. Anyhow, she's still a very close friend of mine, even though I've never met her in person. She's so damn smart, and may end up getting her doctorate in Psychology. She'd be a great psychologist...she always knows what to say.

My love, Jon, who I met online, pointed out the other day that some of my best friends are people I know online. I guess that's true. Maybe I'm more comfortable talking to people online, although usually I'm pretty guarded when talking to new people online.

Whatever, I don't care. I'm forever grateful to the internet for bringing Jon and I together.

And for my other friends, Mona and Sue.

I guess this entry isn't weird after all, but just sort of pointless.

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