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NFL Player
2001-05-26 @ 3:05 a.m.

I'm such a silly fool at times (or, maybe, always). I was with my friend Bill this evening, and we were running late for this dinner party...we ran into Wild Oats Market, and I knew exactly the bottle of wine I wanted and where it was in the store. So, I am rushing through the store and I totally cut off this guy, and he pulled his cart out of my way. I felt rude, and said, "I'm so sorry." He said, very nicely, "It's absolutely no problem at all." So, I looked up at his face, looked away, and then did a major double-take because his features looked so familiar. Looked away again, and then tried to sneak another look at him. He started sort of laughing and said, "Hi". I started stammering and was like, "oh, I'm sorry, you just look like...well...oh geez...are you one of the brothers (From this family I grew up with)?" He started laughing and said, "Yeah, I'm John." He said it really nicely, but it hung in the air between us... yep, dumbass, it's John, the FAMOUS one (he plays for the NFL now). He was really nice and said, "who are you?", and, again, I started stammering and said, "Oh, you wouldn't remember me, I was friends with your sister in high school and I know your brother Charlie from my job, but you wouldn't remember me and, blah blah"...he finally interrupted me and said, "What is your NAME?" I was like, "OH!" and said my name, and he said, so nicely, as if talking to an idiot (which I am), "Of course I remember and your brother stayed with my family for two weeks when your mom was having surgery." I had completely forgotten about that, it was in 1984.

So my suave response? I said, "Oh. Ok. Ok, bye." And I turned and basically ran away. My friend Bill, following me, said, "Smooooth, kiddo."

The weird thing is, I never was attracted to this guy (still am not). I don't know WTF made me act like such a silly girl. Bill put it best when we got into the car...he said, "So, I guess you had sex with him?" I was like, "No!" He said, "So, I guess you wanted to?" I said, "NO!" Bill started laughing, and said, "Well, HE thinks you wanted to!"


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